高密度發展與社會公義國際研討會|International Workshop on High-Density Development and Social Jusitce

【Programme】 https://goo.gl/yHRi0Q

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  自從Louis Wirth在其大作《Urbanism as a Way of Life》中將居住密度定義為理解城市社區的其中一個變量以來,居住密度在西方的城市研究一直佔有重要席位。然而,文獻過於重視高密度的技術性而非其社會性。相對較少的文獻深入探討高密度的社會過程及空間過程。事實上,高密度的形成乃源自於社會上眾多的權力關係和社會—空間過程。有論者更主張高密度尤其一個生產及再生產不公義的空間過程。當中,社會的弱勢社群相對容易地會進入高密度的生活環境,使其日常生活受到高密度的空間性影響。所以,當務之急是要深化對高密度與社會公義的討論和理解。



‘International Workshop on High-Density Development and Social Justice’, organised by Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University and partly co-sponsored by Hong Kong Critical Geography Group, will be held on 3rd to 5th December 2015. Papers presentation sessions are scheduled on 4th to 5th December 2015, at WLB206, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Since its identification as one of the variables defining an urban community by Louis Wirth in his renowned treatise Urbanism as a Way of Life, density of the settlement has occupied a prominent position in urban studies in the West. Yet, the literature of high-density is found wanting as its emphasis was put on the technical at the expense of the social, without highlighting the social and spatial processes of it. In reality, there are many power relations and social-spatial processes that have contributed to the production of high-density development. Some even argues that high-density is particularly a spatial process which produces and reproduces social injustice. More specifically, the under-privileged in the society is more vulnerable to the denser living environment, resulting that their everyday life is affected by the spatiality of high-density. Therefore, it is imperative to relate high-density with power-based and process-oriented social justice.

In this international workshop, scholars from across the world will present their latest research findings, contributing to the recent debates on high-density and social justice theoretically and empirically. Sessions cover a diversity of themes including regional and spatial variations in the representation of high-density development, high-density in East Asian Cities, Capitalist Cities and Socialist Cities, income gap, everyday life and so on. All are welcome to attend the sessions.

For registration or enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. TANG On-yi, Research Assistant in Department of Geography at Hong Kong Baptist University, at onyitang@hkbu.edu.hk.

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